Primary Parents
(i) School Uniform
Please be reminded that ALL studens in Primary MUST wear the proper school uniform everyday to school. The uniform consists of the school Collared Shirt/ T- Shirt. Black trousers/ skirt.
NO jackets/ jeans and jewelry are allowed. Proper shoes should be worn.
There will be a spot check next week to make sure the students are in the proper attire.
(ii) Late to school
A lot of students in Primary are arriving AFTER the National anthem. Please let me remind parents yet again, ALL students MUST be at by 7.15am for morning classes and 12.30pm (yr 1 & yr 4) 1.00pm (yr 2 & 3) for afternoon classes and that under SPN21 all students need to have an 85% in attendence by the end of the year.
Please make sure your child follows the above rules.
Thank You
Teacher Lisa